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Legal ease: A law firm maximizes learner adoption with Kallidus

Learn how a law firm used Kallidus to maximize learner adoption.

One of the UK’s largest independent debt recovery law firms chose Kallidus to redeem its learning function by providing learners with an engaging experience, maximizing learner adoption, and give the business new hope in achieving new levels of growth.

The challenge

The law firm had been using a learning management system (LMS) since 2018. However, as the company grew, it began to face several challenges with the existing LMS. The system was clunky and hard to navigate, and the reports were not useful. People were having trouble signing in, and the system was not efficient.

The solution

The company set out to look for a more engaging LMS with better reporting functionality and more self-direction for managers. After reviewing numerous providers, the company decided that Kallidus was the best choice. Not only did Kallidus’ Learn LMS have the features they were looking for, the Kallidus team could help the company transfer all their data from the old LMS and set up the new one in a compressed timeframe of eight weeks. Kallidus offered simplicity and ease of use, which helped to drive immediate engagement with learners. Learn LMS also allowed managers to take more control and be more accountable for their team’s learning and development.

The outcomes

Within just a few weeks from launch date, the company began to receive positive feedback from their learners. Learn LMS was easier to use, and engagement had increased. The company was able to use the system to align with their performance objectives and were hopeful about achieving their goals.

“There was a moment where we said, “You know what? It’s working. We’re getting people to access it.’ And now we’ve hit our initial milestones. We’re there!”

The company is now moving into the next phase of their learning strategy to bring more sources of content and to further align learning and development with performance. By switching to Kallidus, the company was able to overcome the challenges they were facing with their old LMS and improve their learning and development program.

Kallidus – making people success easy.

Take a tour of Kallidus Learn now.

“Our mission is clear,” he declared. “We’re shaping the future of our industry, one skilled professional at a time. Kallidus is our partner in this journey.”