Freedom of Information Act

An interactive and engaging online course on freedom of information act for employees.

How it works

The Freedom of Information Act give the public rights to access certain information held by public authorities, such as local or national government. This course helps public sector employees understand what a Freedom of Information (FOI) request looks like, and what to do if they receive one.

If you work in the public sector you may be asked to share certain information from time to time. You will need to be confident that you know what to do when asked to share or provide information, and what types of information you should not share.

The benefits of choosing off-the-shelf eLearning

  • Fun, accessible, and interactive online training
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  • Up to 100 languages available
  • Free eBook to boost knowledge retention and support real-time implementation
  • Learn on-the-go with mobile-friendly courses
  • Add your own content; policies, procedures, PDF, videos, and more
  • CPD, RoSPA, IATP, and ECSC assured

This course covers

  • how to recognise an FOI request
  • how to process simple, everyday requests, for example requests for information already published in leaflets and online
  • who to pass complex requests onto
  • what the Act means for the public sector employees and what their rights and responsibilities are

Course details

Blue compliance icon

All Public Sector employees,

Blue time icon

15 Minutes,

Blue icon of a book signifying knowledge and learning

eBook Available

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