Powerful Message and Structure

An interactive and engaging online course on powerful message and structure for employees.

How it works

In this course you will learn how to use powerful messages in your presentations and how to structure your script and slides to the fullest effect. The course introduces the learner to the “rule of three” which is a technique used to make key points come alive during the presentation.

The course encourages learners to think about their presentation objectives: what they want the audience to do afterwards. If the audience can’t do what they want, maybe they should rethink your message, or the audience.

This course is ideal for anyone who needs to make presentations as part of their role and who may need guidance on the best ways to plan and present these.

The benefits of choosing off-the-shelf eLearning

  • Fun, accessible, and interactive online training
  • Customise courses to fit your brand
  • Up to 100 languages available
  • Free eBook to boost knowledge retention and support real-time implementation
  • Learn on-the-go with mobile-friendly courses
  • Add your own content; policies, procedures, PDF, videos, and more
  • CPD, RoSPA, IATP, and ECSC assured

This course covers

  • making your message crystal clear and keeping your audience engaged
  • creating a coherent structure for your presentations
  • choosing an effective structure for your message

Course details

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All employees

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59 minutes with a 5 minute post course test

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“We have been developing for over 20 years, so we really know what works for customers and learners”

Jackie Finlay, Head of Off-the shelf learning

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